The SAVIX MIS online training


The SAVIX MIS is by far the most widely used MIS for measuring the performance of savings groups, worldwide.  It is in use in 77 countries, covering more than 14 million members in more than 634,000 savings groups.  More than 3,500 projects are registered on the system, implemented by more than 1,600 local and international organisations.  It is entirely self-supporting from user fees and does not depend on donor support.


Following our work with the Carsey School of Public Policy, in which we ran SAVIX MIS training courses in 5 African countries, we have now moved the course onlinbe and have managed to reduce the costs per student which, combined with online post-course free follow-up makes for a much better deal


The 7 week course is comprised of 8 modules, which calls for participation in a total of 12 webinars, with students completing set assignments before the next webinar and participating in discussions.  Each participant will create a practice MIS, enter data and produce and interpret reports, as well as learn how to set up national and international networks and be able to use it as their principal management and operational reporting tool.  This new course nopw covers the use of 'phone-based data collection and 'phone-based record-keeping


Our  first online course this year will be conducted in English and will begin on Thursday 17th April 2025 and end on Thursday 5th June. The full syllabus can be found here.


The cost will be $750 per participant, paid in advance through a bank transfer.


Please complete an online application form, then click on 'Send.'  Once your application is received VSL Associates finance department will contact you with an invoice and payment modalities (


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